The Balanced Screen Hub

Planning for later life and retirement

During our January focus of SUPPORT we created some areas to consider to have a comfortable retirement. It’s never too early to start planning!

5 ways to reduce smartphone use

The Balanced Screen Community inspired this resource for some new ways to reduce engagement with your smartphone. Which one will you stick to?

Alternative devices to smartphones

If you’re considering a starter phone for your youth, or looking to downgrade to a basic model, this comparison chart gives you a snapshot of the devices and solutions out there.

How can you make a difference?

Are you a parent or adult looking for inspiration what you can do to reduce the attraction of screen time and smart devices. This guides provides some areas for consideration.

Improve iPhone online safety

This guide gives you numerous ways you can improve online safety when using your iPhone.

Reducing our reliance

The convenience and accessibility our devices give
us is undeniable, but why not try considering some
scenarios without a phone!

Online media & kids

Here a list of resources which give good insight into the effects of online media on society and in particular upon children.

Communicate your mood.

It’s ok to want your space sometimes; send out a clear message with a sliding sign on your bedroom door.

Ways to deal with stress

A quick guide to inspire you to find ways to manage stress and find some peace. A lot are obvious, but it’s always handy to have a reminder.

More Resources Coming Soon…..